Somatic Trauma Therapy

Somatic Therapy Blue Mountains

What does Somatic mean? The term comes from the Greek word “somatikos” meaning “of the body”.  Somatic is the experience of sensing the body from the inside – ie the felt sense of it.   All human beings have the ability to sense their own body from within and be guided by that felt sense towards a healing state.

Somatic Yoga

Somatic Yoga works directly with the felt sense of the body rather than the mind to release deep muscular tightness, stress and trauma.

In a somatic yoga session we are repatterning tight muscles by working with the somatic sensory cortex of the brain. At the same time as we are releasing tight muscles we are also releasing accumulated stress.

This is quite a deep and empowering healing process where the you get to know your own body on a deeper level.

Suzanne Ellis uses somatic exercises one to one in her yoga therapy clinic and also incorporate somatic movements into her general yoga classes.

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing® was developed in the 1970s by Dr Peter Levine and is now considered a leading therapy for treating PTSD, trauma and chronic stress.

It is body-centred, or ‘bottom up’ approach acknowledging that all trauma is located in the body. Therapy focuses on recognising and exploring the sensations of trauma in the body, rather than just thoughts, feelings and memories.

Suzanne is  am an intermediate-level student in the SE™ Professional Training program and integrates Somatic Experiencing® techniques into my practice as a yoga therapist.

Private Sessions: – Book in via ‘Book Here’ button below

Book Here

Classes: Suzanne’s Classe are Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays 9.30am; Monday and Wednesday 7.30pm; Saturday 8am- Book a class here.

Contact me for more information:

Somatic Experiencing Blue Mountains