Seniors Yoga

OuSeniors Yoga Blue Mountains & Penrithr Seniors Yoga class consists of gentle stretching, joint rotation, balance and strength work with an emphasis on all the trouble spots – tummy muscles, back-care, hips, necks and shoulders.

Postures are further modified for any particular injuries, hip or knee replacements etc. Breath-work, meditation and relaxation are included.

Tuesdays at 10.30-11.30am

  • $165 per term of 10 classes  (includes Seniors discount – regular price $220)
  • Casual class $21 (includes Seniors discount -regular price $27)

Runs in School Terms -2025 Terms – February 3 to April 13;   April 28 to July 6;   July 21 to September 28;   October 13  to December 21.